Yung Suk Kim


Yung Suk Kim (PhD, Vanderbilt University) is associate professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University, in Richmond, Virginia. Kim is editor of the Journal of Bible and Human Transformation and the Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion. Most recently, he received a presidential citation for outstanding service and unselfish commitment from Virginia Union University.

Thus far Dr. Kim has authored five books and edited two volumes. He is completing a new book on New Testament theology and working on a new project on the historical Jesus. Selected publications include: Christ’s Body in Corinth: The Politics of a Metaphor (Fortress, 2008); A Theological Introduction to Paul’s Letters: Exploring a Threefold Theology of Paul (Cascade, 2011); Biblical Interpretation: Theory, Process and Criteria (Pickwick, 2013); A Transformative Reading of the Bible: Explorations of Holistic Human Transformation (Cascade, 2013); Truth, Testimony and Transformation: A New Reading of the “I am” Sayings of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel (Cascade, 2014). His edited books include 1 and 2 Corinthians (Texts @ Contexts, Fortress, 2013) and Reading Minjung Theology in the Twenty-first Century: Selected Writings by Ahn Byung-Mu and Modern Critical Responses (Pickwick Publications, 2013). Dr. Kim also published his first Korean book in Korea: Question Mark to the Bible (Dongyeon, 2014). Beyond biblical studies, he also enjoys reading Lao-tzi’s classic wisdom the Dao De Jing and he loves to write poems.

Kim has his personal, academic web site at and his blog at